Sunday, March 22, 2009

Things I've Learned From Two Year Olds

For the past few months I've worked at a daycare teaching the 2 year old preschool class. I know I'm supposed to be the teacher, but I've learned so much from them. The following are little bits of wisdom that I've picked up:

1. Eating is hard work!

2. If you're in a pinch and need to paint your face orange, spaghetti sauce works quite nicely!

3. Science tip of the day: jeans + slide = static electricity.

4. If you ever run out of gel, smashing strawberries in your hair is effective (and smells quite nice as well)!

5. You're never too young to be informed about current events!

6. A Binkie and a blankie make the world a whole lot better!

7. Two year olds can also function as guard dogs!

8. There's nothing like coming home to a nice warm bath after a long day at daycare.


Unknown said...

way way to cute, could not help but giggle a little

Jenn -- said...

Hi Bri. Glad to see you writing once again. Cute kids!