Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So I Think I Love It

I absolutely love the show So You Think You Can Dance. I'm obsessed with it. Every Wednesday and Thursday, there is only one place you can find me - at home glued to the television. Just to show you the awesomeness of this show, here are some of my favorite dances:

And my all-time favorite video from So You Think You Can Dance (you gotta love Mia Michaels)...

Now that I've got y'all addicted, party at my place Wednesday nights!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why I Never Cook Dinner...

Today, I decided to make dinner for my family. Nothing fancy, just a little casserole and salad for everyone. Quick and easy.

I turned the oven to 475 to preheat, pulled out the tater tots, mixed the sauce, and fried the ground beef. I mixed everything together and opened the oven door. To my surprise, someone had decided to store a thing of choclate frosting and ranch dressing in the oven (I know, right where you keep them too). To my horror, the oven is now covered in a lovely layer of chocolate ranch dressing, that I must say doesn't smell too pleasant.

So now I have a casserole I can't cook because the oven's a mess and an oven that I can't clean because it's too hot. I then resort to storing the casserole in fridge while fanning the smoke out of the room and praying the oven will cool down soon.

After two hours of waiting, the oven is finally cooled enough to clean. And after about another hour of scrubbing and scraping, the oven's finally clean. I open the fridge door to retrieve my casserole and out it falls all over the floor. I stare horror struck at my masterpiece, now reduced to a pile of mush. Another twenty minutes of cleaning and finally, I retreat to my bedroom. Kitchen - 2 Brieann - 0.

As soon as my mother gets home from work, she of course says to me, "After a long day at work, it would be nice to come home and not have to cook. Brieann, why don't you ever make dinner?" My response to her, "Gee mom, I don't know!"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Playing Momma

For the past week, I had to play mom to my sister's five kids: Masen, 13, Pierce, 11, Anjeanae, 9, Elias, 5, and Camlyn, 2.

What was supposed to be three days turned into eight. I'm not gonna lie, I kind of had fun playing house...except for the fact that I wanted to kill Masen by the end of the week. I'm not looking forward to having teenageers.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Defining Moments

Defining moment = a point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified.
Today I watched the movie Pearl Harbor. Granted, not the world's greatest movie, but it got me thinking - what a defining moment for a generation! They had two choices: to shrink and cower in submission or to stand up and fight. What strength, what fortitude, what courage! Their defining moment shaped the course of this nation.
This brings me to my point - what is this generation's defining moment?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crappy week!

Here's a little rundown of the amazingly awful week that I had:

Had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. so I could open the daycare by 6:00 a.m. Had two people call in sick so instead of being able to leave at 3:00 I had to stay until 7:00 p.m. If you can do math, that's 13 hours. The only good thing that will come of this is I'm getting some major overtime.

I walk out to my car at lunch time to discover that someone hit my car. Did they leave a note? No. So guess who gets to pay for this - ME! Guess whose insurance rate is going up because of this - MINE! As if my financial situation wasn't pressing enough, now I have to come up with a $500 deductible to get my brand new car fixed. Boo!

Today one of my teachers comes to me in tears because one of the kids is acting out. Unfortunately, it was one of the other teachers kids so that teacher comes to me livid and threathens to quit because she thinks the other teacher is singling her child out and that he's not being treated fairly. Oy! No more drama please!

This day was going fairly well until another teacher found out that I had let said horrible child be with his mother instead of with the other teacher. Then she storms in the office and is horribly rude and apparently goes on to swear in front of the children. Yay, now I get to write her up for inappropriate behavior. Barf!

Another teacher comes in and tells me of a situtation that had occured the day before with one of the other teachers where she basically left her kids alone for an hour and two kids tipped their cribs over and got nasty bruises on their heads. Yay now I get to do two write ups and it's only 11. What else could possibly go wrong? Now I'm just waiting to go home and see my house on fire!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Things I've Learned From Two Year Olds

For the past few months I've worked at a daycare teaching the 2 year old preschool class. I know I'm supposed to be the teacher, but I've learned so much from them. The following are little bits of wisdom that I've picked up:

1. Eating is hard work!

2. If you're in a pinch and need to paint your face orange, spaghetti sauce works quite nicely!

3. Science tip of the day: jeans + slide = static electricity.

4. If you ever run out of gel, smashing strawberries in your hair is effective (and smells quite nice as well)!

5. You're never too young to be informed about current events!

6. A Binkie and a blankie make the world a whole lot better!

7. Two year olds can also function as guard dogs!

8. There's nothing like coming home to a nice warm bath after a long day at daycare.