Sunday, December 28, 2008

Curses! Foiled Again!

This is ridiculous. I had a great job in Salt Lake and got smacked in the face when Heavenly Father told me that I needed to go home. So I listened.

I went home and found a great job at Idaho State University in the continuing education department, which I got, and then a week later, before I had even started, they called and and said "due to economic circumstances" they had cut my position. Awesome!

Then I found a job at the Red Cross that was perfect. After four interviews and four tanks of gas driving to Pocatello, I received the "Thanks but no thanks" email. Ugh!

Wow, how amazing is my luck! I wouldn't be surprised if my computer explodes the next time I apply for a job.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Indeed

So Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holidays: the family, the conversation, and of course the food. This year I celebrated Thanksgiving in a very special place.
If you guessed with my family, sorry, but thanks for playing. This year I got to celebrate with my good friend Mr. Potty, so if you guessed sick in bed, *ding ding*, give yourself a prize. It was super fun. I had chills and sweats, body aches, headaches, runny nose, sore throat, and, my favorite, vomiting. It was a super fun four days.
So here I am, sitting in bed still recovering. Thankfully, I'm now able to eat solid food, just in time to have missed the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and the pie (sniff ) along with all the other assorted goodness.
For those of you who missed the pleasure of my company on Thanksgiving, here's my thankful list:
1. My Heavenly Father, my Savior Jesus Christ, and his atonement for me
2. The priesthood and priesthood blessings
3. My incredible mother who is nothing but a strength and inspiration to me and wonderful father who is always there for me
4. My wonderful siblings that I love
5. My great friends who keep me laughing til it hurts
6. The amazing kids that I work with
7. All my stinkin cute animals
8. All the blessing of living in this amazing coutry
There are so many more but that's all for now.