Friday, March 27, 2009

Crappy week!

Here's a little rundown of the amazingly awful week that I had:

Had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. so I could open the daycare by 6:00 a.m. Had two people call in sick so instead of being able to leave at 3:00 I had to stay until 7:00 p.m. If you can do math, that's 13 hours. The only good thing that will come of this is I'm getting some major overtime.

I walk out to my car at lunch time to discover that someone hit my car. Did they leave a note? No. So guess who gets to pay for this - ME! Guess whose insurance rate is going up because of this - MINE! As if my financial situation wasn't pressing enough, now I have to come up with a $500 deductible to get my brand new car fixed. Boo!

Today one of my teachers comes to me in tears because one of the kids is acting out. Unfortunately, it was one of the other teachers kids so that teacher comes to me livid and threathens to quit because she thinks the other teacher is singling her child out and that he's not being treated fairly. Oy! No more drama please!

This day was going fairly well until another teacher found out that I had let said horrible child be with his mother instead of with the other teacher. Then she storms in the office and is horribly rude and apparently goes on to swear in front of the children. Yay, now I get to write her up for inappropriate behavior. Barf!

Another teacher comes in and tells me of a situtation that had occured the day before with one of the other teachers where she basically left her kids alone for an hour and two kids tipped their cribs over and got nasty bruises on their heads. Yay now I get to do two write ups and it's only 11. What else could possibly go wrong? Now I'm just waiting to go home and see my house on fire!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

boy dont you hate it when you have times like that we had ours back in february it lasted the whole month i was glad to see march arrive!!
hope the rest of your day goes better and that your weekend makes up for it!!
take care