Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Indeed

So Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holidays: the family, the conversation, and of course the food. This year I celebrated Thanksgiving in a very special place.
If you guessed with my family, sorry, but thanks for playing. This year I got to celebrate with my good friend Mr. Potty, so if you guessed sick in bed, *ding ding*, give yourself a prize. It was super fun. I had chills and sweats, body aches, headaches, runny nose, sore throat, and, my favorite, vomiting. It was a super fun four days.
So here I am, sitting in bed still recovering. Thankfully, I'm now able to eat solid food, just in time to have missed the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and the pie (sniff ) along with all the other assorted goodness.
For those of you who missed the pleasure of my company on Thanksgiving, here's my thankful list:
1. My Heavenly Father, my Savior Jesus Christ, and his atonement for me
2. The priesthood and priesthood blessings
3. My incredible mother who is nothing but a strength and inspiration to me and wonderful father who is always there for me
4. My wonderful siblings that I love
5. My great friends who keep me laughing til it hurts
6. The amazing kids that I work with
7. All my stinkin cute animals
8. All the blessing of living in this amazing coutry
There are so many more but that's all for now.


Jenn -- said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. We miss you. Hope you can visit soon.

Bryson and Alyssa said...

Stinks to be sick on the one day of the year you're allowed to gorge yourself on sleep inducing delectables!
How've you been otherwise?